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Contribution Guide

This guide offers general tips to be followed when writing articles for LLM Seminar Series. Make sure to read it before opening a PR.

How to start?


  • The homepage outlines the topics which are related to each other and can be covered in a single session.

  • A session is generally divided into multiple parts. For example, the first session was an introductory session and thus it was divided in 3 parts,

    1. Emergence of LLMs
    2. Building blocks of LLMs
    3. Overview of landscape of LLMs.
  • We would like to have a detailed article about each part.

Step 1: Pick a topic

  • Please go through the homepage and choose a topic of your interest.
  • It can be something which you have already used in the past or it can be something you want to learn next.
  • Following order is not mandatory, e.g., you can pick the last topic first too.

Step 2: Create an issue.

  • As soon as you decide the topic of your interest, create a github issue here.
  • Once you create an issue, we will start sharing some useful references and also provide guidance for writing the perfect article.
  • It also helps collaborating on same topic if multiple people are interested by discussing on the same github issue.

Step 3: Fork the repo

  • We recommend using github from day saving your progress.

  • We follow fork and pull request workflow since its a collaborative project as described in the below image.

    LLM Landscape

  • In summary,

    • you should first fork this repo,
    • create a new branch and add your commits in your branch,
    • once you are ready to submit an article; create a pull request.
  • The detailed steps can be found here: Contributing to a project

Step 5: Organizing the files

  • We prefer a single markdown file for each article, but you can also submit a jupyter notebook.
  • Put new articles under the following dir:
    • llm_seminar_series/session_<session_number>/part_<part_number>_<part_name>/ or llm_seminar_series/session_<session_number>/part_<part_number>_<part_name>/<topic_name>.ipynb
    • Where session_number can be found from the homepage, while part_number can be inferred from the outline of the session.
  • If the article uses any additional source files, then put them along the main file. For example, check RLHF.ipynb.

Step 6: Follow a consistent style

  • Maintaining a consistent style across all the articles provides a good reading experience to our readers and often reduces review time.
  • We have provided code and text style guides separately here.
  • You can refer them when crafting that perfect article.
  • Please use the following commands,
    • Install ruff: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Run auto formatter: ruff format
    • Run linter and fix remaining issues manually ruff check

Step 7: Run the website locally

  • We use mkdocs to host our repo as a static website.
  • All the articles will be automatically rendered to an html page once merged to main branch.
  • But you can also host this website locally on your machine to visualize the final output which helps solving any formatting issues.
  • Follow these commands to start a local server
    • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the dependencies.
    • Run mkdocs serve to serve this website locally.
    • You will get this message on your terminal Serving on from where you can access it.
    • Changes you make in the markdown are reflected immediately on the website which can help you quickly correct any formatting issues.

Step 8: Review and approval

  • Once you are happy with your article, just raise the PR as suggested in step 3.
  • Maintainers of this repo will review the changes and guide you for any modifications if required.
  • Once the PR is approved and merged into main branch, it will be live at the website, Congratulations 🎉.

Step 9: YouTube Live session / Pre recorded video (optional step)

  • While reading is still the best way to learn something, many prefer watching explanatory videos.
  • We encourage every author to conduct a Youtube Live Session to walk us through the topic using the same article.
  • The link to this video will be put along with the article for future visitors.
  • While live streams are good for interacting with the audience and conduct Q&A, if you prefer to submit a prerecorded video then it's perfectly fine too.


Maintainers of these repo will reach out to you with more details once your article is live.