scalr.nn.callbacks package


scalr.nn.callbacks._callbacks module

This file is a base class for implementation of Callbacks.

class scalr.nn.callbacks._callbacks.CallbackBase(dirpath='.')[source]

Bases: object

Base class to build callbacks.

classmethod get_default_params()[source]

Class method to get default params for callbacks config.

class scalr.nn.callbacks._callbacks.CallbackExecutor(dirpath: str, callbacks: list[dict])[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper class to execute all enabled callbacks.

Enabled callbacks are executed with the early stopping callback executed last to return a flag for continuation or stopping of model training

execute(**kwargs) bool[source]

Execute all the enabled callbacks. Returns early stopping condition.

scalr.nn.callbacks.early_stopping module

This file is an implementation of early stopping callback.

class scalr.nn.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping(dirpath: str | None = None, patience: int = 3, min_delta: float = 0.0001)[source]

Bases: CallbackBase

Implements early stopping based upon validation loss.


Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped.


Minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement,

i.e. an absolute change of less than min_delta, will count as no improvement.
classmethod get_default_params()[source]

Class method to get default params for model_config.

scalr.nn.callbacks.model_checkpoint module

This file is an implementation of model checkpoint callback.

class scalr.nn.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint(dirpath: str, interval: int = 5)[source]

Bases: CallbackBase

Model checkpointing to save model weights at regular intervals.


An interger count of epochs trained.


Keeps track of the maximum validation accuracy across all epochs.


Regular interval of model checkpointing.

classmethod get_default_params()[source]

Class method to get default params for model_config.

save_checkpoint(model_state_dict: dict, opt_state_dict: dict, path: str)[source]

A function to save model & optimizer state dict to the given path.

  • model_state_dict – Model’s state dict.

  • opt_state_dict – Optimizer’s state dict.

  • path – Path to store checkpoint to.

scalr.nn.callbacks.tensorboard_logger module

This file is an implementation of Tensorboard logging callback.

class scalr.nn.callbacks.tensorboard_logger.TensorboardLogger(dirpath: str = '.')[source]

Bases: CallbackBase

Tensorboard logging of the training process.


An interger count of epochs trained.


Object that writes to tensorboard.

classmethod get_default_params()[source]

Class method to get default params for model_config.

scalr.nn.callbacks.test_early_stopping module

This is a test file for


This function tests early stopping of the model.

Module contents