Source code for scalr.utils.file_utils

"""This file contains functions related to file read-write."""

import json
import os
from os import path
from typing import Union

from anndata import AnnData
import anndata as ad
from anndata.experimental import AnnCollection
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml

from scalr.utils.logger import FlowLogger

[docs] def read_data(filepath: str, backed: str = 'r', index_col: int = 0) -> Union[dict, AnnData, AnnCollection]: """This function reads a json, yaml, csv or AnnData object file if the file path contains it. Returns an AnnCollection in case of a directory with chunked anndatas. Args: filepath (str): path to `json`, `yaml` or `h5ad` file. Or directory containing multiple `h5ad` files. backed (str, optional): To load AnnData / AnnCollection in backed mode. Defaults to 'r'. Raises: ValueError: In case of the wrong file path provided. Returns: Union[dict, AnnData, AnnCollection]. """ if filepath.endswith('.json'): data = read_json(filepath) elif filepath.endswith('.yaml'): data = read_yaml(filepath) elif filepath.endswith('.csv'): data = read_csv(filepath, index_col=index_col) elif filepath.endswith('.h5ad'): data = read_anndata(filepath, backed=backed) elif path.exists(path.join(filepath, '0.h5ad')): data = read_chunked_anndatas(filepath, backed=backed) else: raise ValueError( '''`filepath` is not a `json`, `yaml`, `csv` or `h5ad` file, or directory containing `h5ad` files. ''') return data
[docs] def write_data(data: Union[dict, AnnData, pd.DataFrame], filepath: str): """This function writes data to `json`, `yaml`, `csv` or `h5ad` file.""" if filepath.endswith('.json'): dump_json(data, filepath) elif filepath.endswith('.yaml'): dump_yaml(data, filepath) elif filepath.endswith('.csv'): dump_csv(data, filepath) elif filepath.endswith('.h5ad'): assert type( data ) == AnnData, 'Only AnnData objects can be written as `h5ad` files' dump_anndata(data, filepath) else: raise ValueError( '`filepath` does not contain `json`, `yaml`, or `h5ad` file')
[docs] def write_chunkwise_data(full_data: Union[AnnData, AnnCollection], sample_chunksize: int, dirpath: str, sample_inds: list[int] = None, feature_inds: list[int] = None, transform=None): """This function writes data subsets iteratively in a chunkwise manner, to ensure only at most `sample_chunksize` samples are loaded at a time. This function can also apply transformation on each chunk. Args: full_data (Union[AnnData, AnnCollection]): data to be written in chunks. sample_chunksize (int): number of samples to be loaded at a time. dirpath (str): path/to/directory to write the chunks of data. sample_inds (list[int], optional): To be used in case of chunking only a subset of samples. Defaults to all samples. feature_inds (list[int], optional): To be used in case of writing only a subset of features.dataframe. Defaults to all features. transform (function): a function to apply a transformation on a chunked numpy array. """ if not path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) if not sample_inds: sample_inds = list(range(len(full_data))) # Hacky fixes for an AnnCollection working/bug. if sample_chunksize >= len(sample_inds): sample_chunksize = len(sample_inds) - 1 for col in full_data.obs.columns: full_data.obs[col] = full_data.obs[col].astype('category') for i, (start) in enumerate(range(0, len(sample_inds), sample_chunksize)): if feature_inds: data = full_data[sample_inds[start:start + sample_chunksize], feature_inds] else: data = full_data[sample_inds[start:start + sample_chunksize]] if not isinstance(data, AnnData): data = data.to_adata() data = data.to_memory() # Transformation if transform: if not isinstance(data.X, np.ndarray): data.X = data.X.A data.X = transform(data.X) write_data(data, path.join(dirpath, f'{i}.h5ad'))
[docs] def load_train_val_data_from_config(data_config): """This function returns train & validation data from the data config. Args: data_config: Data config. """ flow_logger = FlowLogger('File Utils') train_val_test_paths = data_config.get('train_val_test') if not train_val_test_paths: raise ValueError('Split Datapaths not given') if train_val_test_paths.get('feature_subset_datapaths'): train_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['feature_subset_datapaths'], 'train')) val_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['feature_subset_datapaths'], 'val'))'Train&Val Data Loaded from Feature subset datapaths') elif train_val_test_paths.get('final_datapaths'): train_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['final_datapaths'], 'train')) val_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['final_datapaths'], 'val'))'Train&Val Data Loaded from Final datapaths') elif train_val_test_paths.get('split_datapaths'): train_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['split_datapaths'], 'train')) val_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['split_datapaths'], 'val'))'Train&Val Data Loaded from Split datapaths') else: raise ValueError('Split Datapaths not given') return train_data, val_data
[docs] def load_test_data_from_config(data_config): """This function returns test data from the data config. Args: data_config: Data config. """ flow_logger = FlowLogger('File Utils') train_val_test_paths = data_config.get('train_val_test') if not train_val_test_paths: raise ValueError('Split Datapaths not given') if train_val_test_paths.get('feature_subset_datapaths'): test_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['feature_subset_datapaths'], 'test'))'Test Data Loaded from Feature subset datapaths') elif train_val_test_paths.get('final_datapaths'): test_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['final_datapaths'], 'test'))'Test Data Loaded from Final datapaths') elif train_val_test_paths.get('split_datapaths'): test_data = read_data( path.join(train_val_test_paths['split_datapaths'], 'test'))'Test Data Loaded from Split datapaths') else: raise ValueError('Split Datapaths not given') return test_data
# Readers
[docs] def read_yaml(filepath: str) -> dict: """This function returns the config file loaded from yaml.""" with open(filepath, 'r') as fh: config = yaml.safe_load(fh) return config
[docs] def read_json(filepath: str) -> dict: """This file returns the json file object.""" with open(filepath, 'r') as fh: config = json.load(fh) return config
[docs] def read_csv(filepath: str, index_col: int = 0) -> pd.DataFrame: """This file returns the DataFrame file object.""" return pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col=index_col)
[docs] def read_anndata(filepath: str, backed: str = 'r') -> AnnData: """This file returns the Anndata object from filepath.""" data = ad.read_h5ad(filepath, backed=backed) return data
[docs] def read_chunked_anndatas(dirpath: str, backed: str = 'r') -> AnnCollection: """This file returns an AnnCollection object from multiple anndatas in dirpath directory. """ datas = [] for i in range(len(os.listdir(dirpath))): if os.path.exists(path.join(dirpath, f'{i}.h5ad')): datas.append( read_anndata(path.join(dirpath, f'{i}.h5ad'), backed=backed)) else: break data = AnnCollection(datas) return data
# Writers
[docs] def dump_json(config: dict, filepath: str): """This function stores the json file to filepath.""" with open(filepath, 'w') as fh: config = json.dump(config, fh, indent=2) return
[docs] def dump_yaml(config: dict, filepath: str): """This function stores the config file to filepath.""" with open(filepath, 'w') as fh: config = yaml.dump(config, fh) return
[docs] def dump_csv(df: pd.DataFrame, filepath: str): """This function stores the config file to filepath.""" df.to_csv(filepath) return
[docs] def dump_anndata(adata: AnnData, filepath: str): """This function writes the AnnData to filepath.""" adata.write(filepath, compression="gzip")